Node Of Evil - Fair And Balanced Reporting

For those who feel the war on terrorism
could use a little "Structural Adjustment".

Hey all, here's something that's vitally important -- the U.N. aid program in Palestine is close to running out of funds. Please take a minute to donate something to help the Palestinian refugees. You can donate here. More information about the program can be found here.

Who We Are: Did you feel left out of the "Axis of Evil"? Do you not have enough WMD's to qualify? Well, fret no more friend, 'cause any rational left- or right-leaning individual who dares disagree with the war on terrorism is a threat to every peace-loving nation! That means us! and that may mean you, too, are qualified to make the Most-of-the-Most-Wanted list. We're here to welcome all who disagree with, or generally dislike, any aspect of the war on terrorism with open arms! Declare yourself an enemy of the state - join the Node Of Evil.

Why join the Node Of Evil? We offer benefits such as a clear conscience and the ability to express your opinion, plus the opportunity to lob a few political hot potatos in the general direction of the White house.

How do you join the Node Of Evil? To join, simply repeat the phrase "I hate the war on terrorism". Yes, it's that simple!


Tuesday, April 27, 2004

"Leave no dot unconnected."

The New York Times has a stunning (and I mean that in the best possible way) article about the Pentagon group (actually, two people) who reviewed CIA evidence for ties between terrorist organizations and various sponsor states. This group was responsible for concluding that, despite CIA opinions to the contrary, Iraq and Al-Qaeda had ties and could be a.) collaborating on terrorist activities, and b.) Iraq could be providing Al-Qaeda with WMDs.

Here's a quote from Douglas Feith:

"One question was: Was Iraq involved in 9/11? We found no hard link. What about Iraq-Al Qaeda links in general? Well, there were some, but that wasn't the essence of the Saddam Hussein threat. The danger of Saddam's providing W.M.D. to Al Qaeda or another terrorist group there you had a real problem, because his record on W.M.D. was indisputable [Riiiight, keep drinking that Kool-Aid - ed]."

Addendum: speaking of Kool-Aid, Tony Blair's gonna need a triple-dose after this:

'Left-wing Labour MPs who backed the former diplomats predicted last night that Mr Blair would step down before the general election. Jeremy Corbyn, a member of the Campaign Group, said: "I think Blair is ready to go. He looks increasingly out of sorts. It is past the time when Blair should recognise foreign policy should not be decided in the West Wing."'

Andrew 9:55 PM : |


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