Node Of Evil - Fair And Balanced Reporting

For those who feel the war on terrorism
could use a little "Structural Adjustment".

Hey all, here's something that's vitally important -- the U.N. aid program in Palestine is close to running out of funds. Please take a minute to donate something to help the Palestinian refugees. You can donate here. More information about the program can be found here.

Who We Are: Did you feel left out of the "Axis of Evil"? Do you not have enough WMD's to qualify? Well, fret no more friend, 'cause any rational left- or right-leaning individual who dares disagree with the war on terrorism is a threat to every peace-loving nation! That means us! and that may mean you, too, are qualified to make the Most-of-the-Most-Wanted list. We're here to welcome all who disagree with, or generally dislike, any aspect of the war on terrorism with open arms! Declare yourself an enemy of the state - join the Node Of Evil.

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Monday, August 25, 2003

Here's a bit from The Independent's reporting on last week's ethnic violence in northern Iraq:

'Until now, the main friction in the region since the overthrow of Saddam was between the Arabs and Kurds bent on redressing years of repression at the hands of the old regime. But the new violence has ignited Iraq's small Turkoman minority, who complained of repression under Kurdish rule in the nearby provinces that attained de facto independence after the 1991 Gulf War. That poses an extra danger. The risk of attacks on Iraq's Turkomans has been repeatedly put forward by the Turkish army as a reason for it to send troops into northern Iraq as "peace-keepers".'

'The Turkish military's bid failed because of opposition at home as well as from Iraq's Kurds, who warned they would oppose any attempt by Turkey to send its troops into their territory, by force if necessary. But it may resurface if violence against Turkomans continues.'

We'd like to note that Turkey, a NATO ally, getting involved in the region would be a major problem since the U.S. has supported the Kurds in northern Iraq for so many years. The real question is, if it comes down to the Turks or the Kurds, who would the U.S. support?

Andrew 9:39 AM : |


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